Our Commitment to


At Sporting Group International, we recognise that the long-term future of our business and the sports industry relies on the well-being of both our people and our planet.

We are acutely aware of the impact climate change has on our shared home and the environmental footprint of our global operations. In response, we are committed to reducing this impact through dedicated sustainability efforts. 

Our Approach

Sustainability is at the core of everything we do. We are passionate about reducing our carbon footprint and are in the process of shaping our net zero ambitions and targets. Our approach to sustainability involves collaboration. 

At the start of 2024, we partnered with Final Third, leaders in sport and sustainability, to transform our business into a more environmentally conscious organisation. This partnership focuses on educating our team, fostering a sustainable culture across our organisation and helping to reduce our environmental impact. More on the partnership here

Key Initiatives and Achievements

Our sustainability journey has already yielded progress:

Educational Initiatives

We have embarked on an educational journey, enhancing our understanding of climate change and sustainability across our global team in the UK, Spain, Italy, Germany and India through a series of workshops and Carbon Literacy Training, and are constantly seeking to educate the team further.

Carbon Emission Baseline

We have developed an initial estimated baseline of our carbon emissions and are laying out plans to reduce our impact towards net zero as our measurement processes become more robust.

Emissions Offsetting

To help demonstrate our commitment, we have started the process by funding global renewable energy projects to offset our entire group’s estimated emissions impact from the last 12 months through Ecologi. Our priority is emissions reductions, with offsetting being a strategy whilst we work through that process.

New Office

We have relocated to a new, state-of-the-art city centre office with excellent energy efficiency ratings and public transport connections, significantly reducing our carbon emissions from energy use and staff commuting.

Sustainable Travel Policy

We have implemented a sustainable travel policy for business travel, prioritising sustainability in all travel plans. This includes reducing air travel to essential trips only, where no reasonable alternatives are available, and offsetting these emissions. It also includes prioritising active travel and public transport where possible. Additionally, all staff commute to work on public transport.


Whilst we have started our journey and progress towards reducing our impact and being a more sustainable organisation, we understand that this is a journey. We are committed to continuing to educate our workforce, reducing our impact and making progress towards a sustainable future.

Our Vision

Our ambition is to become the leading global agency in sustainability and ESG partnerships. We aim to create value-aligned, authentic partnerships between rights holders and brands, adding value on both sides and supporting the activations of these partnerships. 

We believe that sustainability will drive the future of the sports marketing sector and will be a key revenue driver in the years to come. We are committed to ensuring this transition is made with authenticity and integrity.